tailieunhanh - Combining Fundamental And Technical Analysis

There has been many discussion about which strategy is better, fundamental analysis or tehcnical analysis. Technical aproach has been reinforced by trading software which can be used to predict price based on price simulation, where it uses models for each market without regard the underlying economy or fundamental which driven the market. Several recently developed programs help boil down the maze of economic and fundamental information into a form useful by traders who do not have formal training in economics. These programs help track the impact that economic indicators have on price in various markets. . | Combining Fundamental And Technical Analysis 1st edition April 2008 By Yulianto Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved @ 2008 - . All rights reserve worldwide 1 Preview There has been many discussion about which strategy is better fundamental analysis or tehcnical analysis. Technical aproach has been reinforced by trading software which can be used to predict price based on price simulation where it uses models for each market without regard the underlying economy or fundamental which driven the market. Several recently developed programs help boil down the maze of economic and fundamental information into a form useful by traders who do not have formal training in economics. These programs help track the impact that economic indicators have on price in various markets. Such software gives traders an easy-to-understand link between fundamental data and price. The technical analysis is easier to use than fundamental. But when the market crash on October 1987 traders started to pay attention on the fundamentals like unemployement figures trade deficit unemployment and commodity supply demand data . With the combination of two strategy we will have quite a powerfull strategy. Technical analysis tells us when the price will likely move while fundamental analysis tells us what stock is good. By combining the two strategy we can have a good stock which the price will likely move. In this ebook I want to combine the two stategy to make a new strategy the combination on fundamental and technical analysis. A trading plan is needed to win the battle win other investor. You need to know how to choose a good stock and how to choose a stock which will move in favor of us shortly. @ 2008 - . All rights reserve worldwide 2 Content Disclaimer. 4 Fundamental Analysis. 5 Cheap. 6 Safe. 8 Profitable. 9 Technical Analysis . 10 Momentum Investing. 11 Volume. 13 Case. 16 @ 2008 - . All rights reserve