tailieunhanh - Lecture ECE 250 - Algorithms and data structures: Binary search trees

In computer science, binary search trees (BST), sometimes called ordered or sorted binary trees, are a particular type of containers: data structures that store "items" (such as numbers, names etc.) in memory. This topic covers binary search trees: Abstract Sorted Lists, background, definition and examples,. | 50 WATERLOO ENGINEERING Binary search trees University of Waterloo O m Harder . L ctrical and Computer El Xda VATERLO ENGINEERING 77 Xf P Binary search trees 2 Outline This topic covers binary search trees - Abstract Sorted Lists - Background - Definition and examples - Implementation Front back insert erase Previous smaller and next larger objects Finding the kih object VATERLO ENGINEERING 77 Xf Binary search trees Abstract Sorted Lists Previously we discussed Abstract Lists the objects are explicitly linearly ordered by the programmer We will now discuss the Abstract Sorted List - The relation is based on an implicit linear ordering Certain operations no longer make sense - push_front and push_back are replaced by a generic .