The modules ‘Psychology of Change Projects’ and portions of the modules ‘Project Management’, ‘Communication Management ’ and ‘Silicon Valley ’ constitute the communications and leadership view on change. Coordinated by experienced executives, students get in touch with tools and concepts for business case planning, project management, and financial aspects of change projects. Less theoretical, but valuable personal experience can be gained in a one-week outdoor module that takes place in the mountains. The goal of this week is to have personal encounters with uncertainties, conflicts, group dynamics, and other challenges for leadership in transforming companies. . | w MBA IN FOCUS The more you know ------------------------- I 1Í JUNE 2012 ISSUE 2 TOP STORY I MBA PROFILES I PROGRAM NEWS I LEADERSHIP CAMPUS VIEW I IN BRIEF TOP STORY CLASS OF 2013 SOLDIER THROUGH MBA PROGRAM I MBA PROFILES I LEADERSHIP Q A with Tony Somers TEC on Campus enters 10th year at HEC Paris I PROGRAM NEWS I CAMPUS VIEW Expanding international ties in the United States 22nd MBA Tournament IN BRIEF Inauguration of new building The inauguration of the new building will take place June 15 following the Commencement Ceremony for the class of 2012. The HEC MBA administration will relocate in July in time to welcome the MBA entering class in September Download PDF Previous issues llContact IfTerms conditions llHEC MBA llHEC Paris If HEC MBA 2012 Cham b re de com I et d industrie de w MBA IN FOCUS The more you know ------------------------- I 1Í JUNE 2012 ISSUE 2 TOP STORY I MBA PROFILES I PROGRAM NEWS I LEADERSHIP CAMPUS VIEW I IN BRIEF Class of 2013 soldier through MBA Program This year saw the fourth annual Off-Campus Leadership Seminar at the Saint Cyr French military academy. Integrated into the HEC MBA curriculum this seminar helps participants discover that leadership is not always black and white sometimes it s many shades of camouflage green During the two-day seminar participants are placed into groups each taking on a position of responsibility in leading their team to achieve a set objective. Activities include building a bridge across a river putting together a raft to cross a lake or carrying out a simulated research and rescue mission. Designated leaders are required to make quick but effective decisions under time pressure to ensure that their team can complete its mission. Following these tasks each team is debriefed by its supervising army officer who can advise on successful approaches and areas for improvement. Full-time MBA participant Ambar Sangwan says What we learn in class is on a blackboard in a text book or part of case studies but .
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