It is very common for people to find attributes inherent in an entity and chose one or more of those identifying attributes as a primary key. Perhaps the best example of this practice is the use of an email address as a primary key. Email addresses, how- ever, can and do change. A change to a primary key attribute can cause an instance to become inaccessible to anyone with old information about the instance. In plain English, it can break your application. Another example of a common primary key with meaning is a . Social Security number. It is supposed to be unique. It is never supposed. | FULL COMMITTEE PRINT 112th Congress 1 __ _ Í Report 2d Session I HOUSE OF representatives in- commerce justice science and related agencies appropriations bill 2013 2012. Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed Mr. Wolf from the Committee on Appropriations submitted the following r e p o r t To accompany---- The Committee on Appropriations submits the following report in explanation of the accompanying bill making appropriations for Commerce Justice Science and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 3o 2013 and for other purposes. INDEX TO BILL AND report Page Number Bill Report Title I Department of Commerce . Title II Department of Justice . Title Ill Science . Office of Science and Technology Policy . National Aeronautics and Space Administration . National Science Foundation . Title IV Related Agencies . Commission on Civil Rights . Equal Employment Opportunity Commission . International Trade Commission . Legal Services Corporation . Marine Mammal Commission . Office of the United States Trade Representative . State Justice Institute . Title V General Provisions . 73-730 2 Bill Totals The Committee recommends a total of 51 459 000 000 for the departments and agencies funded in this bill for fiscal year 2013 including 51 131 000 000 in discretionary budget authority. This level of discretionary budget authority is 1 613 000 000 or 3 percent below fiscal year 2012 and 731 029 000 or percent below the budget request. The fiscal year 2012 appropriation also included an additional 200 000 000 in disaster relief assistance. The recommendation for fiscal year 2013 does not include funding for disaster relief. The funding allocation for the fiscal year 2013 bill reflects the critical need to rein in government expenditures in the face of record-high deficits. spending reductions are an essential component of putting the Nation on the path to economic recovery job creation and