tailieunhanh - Beacon Lights of History, Volume XII

The remarks made in the preface to the volume on "American Founders" are applicable also to this volume on "American Leaders." The lecture on Daniel Webster has been taken from its original position in "Warriors and Statesmen" (a volume the lectures of which are now distributed for the new edition in more appropriate groupings), and finds its natural neighborhood in this volume with the paper on Clay and Calhoun. Since the intense era of the Civil War has passed away, and Northerners and Southerners are becoming more and more able to take dispassionate views of the controversies of that time, finding honorable reasons for the differences. | 1 Beacon Lights of History Volume 12 A free download from http Beacon Lights of History Volume 12 The Project Gutenberg eBook Beacon Lights of History Volume XII by John Lord This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title Beacon Lights of History Volume XII Author John Lord Release Date January 8 2004 eBook 10647 Language English Character set encoding iso-8859-1 START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY VOLUME XII E-text prepared by Juliet Sutherland Charlie Kirschner and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team LORD S LECTURES 2 Beacon Lights of History Volume 12 BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY VOLUME XII AMERICAN LEADERS. BY JOHN LORD . AUTHOR OF THE OLD ROMAN WORLD MODERN EUROPE ETC. ETC. PUBLISHERS PREFACE. The remarks made in the preface to the volume on American Founders are applicable also to this volume on American Leaders. The lecture on Daniel Webster has been taken from its original position in Warriors and Statesmen a volume the lectures of which are now distributed for the new edition in more appropriate groupings and finds its natural neighborhood in this volume with the paper on Clay and Calhoun. Since the intense era of the Civil War has passed away and Northerners and Southerners are becoming more and more able to take dispassionate views of the controversies of that time finding honorable reasons for the differences of opinion and of resultant conduct on both sides it has been thought well to include among American Leaders a man who stands before all Americans as the chief embodiment of the cause for which so many gallant soldiers died--Robert E. Lee. His personal character was so lofty his military genius so eminent that North and South alike looked up to him while living and mourned him dead. .