tailieunhanh - Beacon Lights of History, Volume VIII

The early Saxons Their conquest of England Division of England into petty kingdoms Conversion of the Saxons The Saxon bishoprics Early distinguished men Isadore, Caedmon, and Baeda, or Bede Birth and early life of Alfred Succession to the throne of Wessex Danish invasions Humiliation and defeat of Alfred His subsequent conquests Final settlement of the Danes Alfred fortifies his kingdom Reorganizes the army and navy His naval successes Renewed Danish invasions The laws of Alfred Their severity Alfred's judicial reforms Establishment of shires and parishes Administrative reforms Financial resources of Alfred His efforts in behalf of education His literary labors Final defeat of the Danes Death. | Beacon Lights of History Volume VIII by A free download from http 1 BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY VOLUME 08 John Lord Beacon Lights of History Volume VIII by John Lord This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title Beacon Lights of History Volume VIII Author John Lord Release Date January 8 2004 eBook 10627 Language English Character set encoding iso-8859-1 START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY VOLUME VIII E-text prepared by Juliet Sutherland Charlie Kirschner and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team LORD S LECTURES Beacon Lights of History Volume VIII by BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY VOLUME VIII 2 GREAT RULERS. BY JOHN LORD . AUTHOR OF THE OLD ROMAN WORLD MODERN EUROPE ETC. ETC. CONTENTS. ALFRED THE GREAT. THE SAXONS IN ENGLAND. The early Saxons Their conquest of England Division of England into petty kingdoms Conversion of the Saxons The Saxon bishoprics Early distinguished men Isadore Caedmon and Baeda or Bede Birth and early life of Alfred Succession to the throne of Wessex Danish invasions Humiliation and defeat of Alfred His subsequent conquests Final settlement of the Danes Alfred fortifies his kingdom Reorganizes the army and navy His naval successes Renewed Danish invasions The laws of Alfred Their severity Alfred s judicial reforms Establishment of shires and parishes Administrative reforms Financial resources of Alfred His efforts in behalf of education His literary labors Final defeat of the Danes Death and character of Alfred His services to civilization Authorities QUEEN ELIZABETH. WOMAN AS A SOVEREIGN. The reign of Queen Elizabeth associated with progress Her birth and education Her trials of the heart Her critical situation during the reign of Mary Her expediences Her dissembling