This failure by states and the federal government to equalize tobacco taxes has led to a surge in the popularity and consumption of other tobacco prod- ucts. Manufacturers of these products are also spending millions of dollars per day on marketing and capitalizing on the failure of the Obama Admin- istration and the FDA to move forward with regulating tobacco products other than smokeless tobacco and cigarettes. Working to fill the tax and regulatory voids created by federal and state governments, the three largest cigarette manufacturers—Altria, Reynolds American and Lorillard—have acquired companies making other tobacco products to sustain their deadly profits and. | Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL THE MORGAN KAUFMANN SERIES IN DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Series Editor Jim Gray Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL Richard T. Snodgrass foe Celko s Data and Databases Concepts in Practice Joe Celko Web Farming for the Data Warehouse Richard D. Hackathorn Database Modeling Design Third Edition Toby J. Teorey Management of Heterogeneous and Autonomous Database Systems Edited by Ahmed Elmagarmid Marek Rusinkiewicz and Amit Sheth Object-Relational DBMSs Tracking the Next Great Wave Second Edition Michael stonebraker and Paul Brown with Dorothy Moore A Complete Guide to DB2 Universal Database Don Chamberlin Universal Database Management A Guide to Object Relational Technology Cynthia Maro Saracco Readings in Database Systems Third Edition Edited by Michael stonebraker and Joseph M. Hellerstein Understanding SQL s stored Procedures A Complete Guide to SQL PSM Jim Melton Principles of Multimedia Database Systems V. s. Subrahmanian Principles of Database Query Processing for Advanced Applications Clement T. Yu and Weiyi Meng The Object Database standard ODMG Edited by R. G. G. Cattell and Douglas K. Barry Advanced Database Systems Carlo Zaniolo Stefano Ceri Christos Faloutsos Richard T. Snodgrass V. s. Subrahmanian and Roberto Zicari Principles of Transaction Processing Philip A. Bernstein and Eric Newcomer Using the New DB2 IBM s Object-Relational Database System Don Chamberlin Distributed Algorithms Nancy7 A. Lymch Active Database Systems Triggers and Rules For Advanced Database Processing Edited by Jennifer Widom and Stefano Ceri foe Celko s SQL for Smarties Advanced SQL Programming Joe Celko Migrating Legacy Systems Gateways Interfaces the Incremental Approach Michael L. Brodie and Michael stonebraker Database Principles Programming and Performance Patrick O Neil Atomic Transactions Nancy7 lynch Michael Merritt William Weihl and Alan Fekete Query Processing for Advanced Database Systems Edited by
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