tailieunhanh - Safety Methods Database Version 0.9

The KMP algorithm [Knuth et al. 1997] creates a prefix function from the pattern to define transition functions that expedite the search. The prefix func- tion is built in O(m) time, and the algorithm has a worst case time complex- ity of O(nCm), independent from the alphabet size. Exhaustive experiments [Wright et al. 1998] show that, in general, KMP has the best performance. Be- cause of its good performance, and its independence from the alphabet size, KMP provides a natural basis for dealing with the more general problem of optimizing database queries on sequences. This is a major generalization that presents difficult challenges: rather than searching for strings. | Safety Methods Database Version 7 December 2010 Maintained by NLR Editors Mariken . Everdij NLR Henk . Blom NLR Contributions by Michael Allocco FAA David Bush NATS Mete Ọeliktin Eurocontrol Barry Kirwan Eurocontrol Patrick Mana Eurocontrol Jochen Mickel Goethe University Keith Slater NATS Oliver Strater Eurocontrol Edwin Van der Sluis NLR Additions can be sent to everdij@ This document gives an overview of Techniques Methods Databases or Models that can be used during a Safety Assessment. This is a living document. Additions are welcome. This document consists of three parts Part 1 Overview of Safety Methods This part which starts on page 3 contains a table listing all Safety Methods collected with for each method the following information provided if available Method name . Acronym and name. Format specifies whether the method is a D Database data analysis tool or data mining tool a G Generic term a M Mathematical model an I Integrated method of more than one technique or a T specific Technique. Purpose specifies the primary purpose of the method . whether it is a R Risk assessment technique a H Human performance analysis technique a M hazard Mitigating technique an O Organisation technique a T Training technique a Dh hardware Dependability technique a Ds software Dependability technique or a Design D technique which is aimed at design rather than analysis. Year . year of development of the method. If uncertain then words like about or or older are added. Aim description of the method. This description is very brief one is referred to the references for a more complete description. Remarks such as links to related methods. Safety assessment stage which lists the stages of a generic safety assessment process proposed in SAP 15 during which the method can be of use. These stages are 1 Scope the assessment 2 Learning the nominal operation 3 Identify hazards 4 Combine hazards into risk framework 5 Evaluate risk 6 Identify potential mitigating