tailieunhanh - Package ‘RSQLite’

However, the implementation and optimization techniques needed to satisfy the special (update and transaction) requirements of active databases are not present in sequence queries, which therefore provide greater opportunities for query optimization, which are discussed next. In this article, we explore optimization techniques inspired by string-search algorithms, since finding sequential patterns in databases is somewhat sim- ilar to finding phrases in text. The naive approach, which advances the search by one position and restart from the beginning of the pattern af- ter each failure, has time complexity O(m £ n), where m is the length of the text and n the length of the pattern. The Karp–Rabin algorithm [Karp and. | Package RSQLite February 15 2013 Version Title SQLite interface for R Author David A. James and Seth Falcon Maintainer Seth Falcon seth@ Description Database Interface R driver for SQLite. This package embeds the SQLite database engine in R and provides an interface compliant with the DBI package. The source for the SQLite engine version is included. Depends R methods DBI Imports methods DBI Suggests RUnit License LGPL 2 Collate Repository CRAN Date Publication 2012-09-16 05 57 50 NeedsCompilation yes R topics documented dbBuildTableDefinition. 2 dbCallProc-methods . 3 dbCommit-methods . 3 dbConnect-methods . 4 dbDataType-methods . 5 dbDriver-methods . 6 dbGetInfo-methods . 7 dbListTables-methods. 8 1 2 dbBuildTableDetìnition dbObjectId-class . 9 dbReadTable-methods . 10 dbSendQuery-methods. 11 dbSetDataMappings-methods. 13 fetch-methods. 14 isIdCurrent. 15 . 16 SQLite. 17 SQLiteConnection-class . 20 sqliteCopyDatabase . 21 SQLiteDriver-class . 22 SQLiteObject-class . 23 sqliteQuickColumn . 24 SQLiteResult-class . 25 sqliteSupport . 26 summary-methods . 30 Index 31 dbBuildTableDefinition Build the SQL CREATE TABLE definition as a string Description Build the SQL CREATE TABLE definition as a string for the input Usage dbBuildTableDefinition dbObj name value NULL TRUE . Arguments dbObj any DBI object used only to dispatch according to the engine . MySQL SQLite Oracle name name of the new SQL table value for which we want to create a table optional named list of the types for each field in value . logical should of value be exported as a row_names field Default is TRUE reserved for future use Details The output SQL statement is a simple CREATE TABLE with suitable for dbGetQuery dbCallProc-methods 3 Value An SQL string References See the Database Interface definition .