tailieunhanh - Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition part 20

Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition part 20. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is today the leading technique for chemical analysis and related applications, with an ability to separate, analyze, and/or purify virtually any sample. Snyder and Kirkland's Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography has long represented the premier reference to HPLC. This Third Edition, with John Dolan as added coauthor, addresses important improvements in columns and equipment, as well as major advances in our understanding of HPLC separation, our ability to solve problems that were troublesome in the past, and the application of HPLC for new kinds of samples. . | CHAPTER FOUR DETECTION INTMW EMI DETECTOR CHARACTERISTICS 149 General Layout 149 Detection Techniques 151 Signal Noise Drift and Assay Precision 152 Dete rionLmuts 157 Liiiearity tnO INTRODUCTIONTOINDIVIDUAL DETECTORS 160 UV-VISIULE DETECTORS 160 FiueL-WaielengthDetectors 163 yarirble-WdveleegthDetectors 164 Diode-Array Detectors 165 GenetalnL-Dctecter Cnare Leri tics 16L FLUORESCE NCEDEl LCCORCtO67 ELECTROCHEMICAL AMPEROMETRIC DETECTORS 170 RADIOACTIPITY DETECTORS h72 C0EDUCTIVITYDETECT0RSr174 CH4MILUMinOECRE5EILECERCDETECTOR 174 CHIRAL EECR1OnRD 17R RE4RACOIVEtEREXDETLECERCtOC7 LIGHT-SRA5LSR1EC CETECT0RS 180 5gDeeecOnr ENSLE l 4 1 Co deO ELnC l ckTlooL1g1 t5cattering Detector CNLSD 182 Laser Light-Scattering Detectors LLSD 183 CORONADIUOEARGE E5LECT0C EADtl684 MA4SSPECTIUL D7TEOTORS WS E JnieErcrS ld6 _ . QuanlrupoleoaiTlRe Trapr R81 ll E E c OTHER HYOtNEATCRDEOEETORS 191 Introduction to LLuidCddomathgrop Third ep o b1 Lloyd R. Snyder Joseph J. Kirkland unEIoPn Copyright c 2010 John Wiley Sons Inc. 147 148 DETECTION Infrared FTIR 191 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR 192 SAMPLE DERIVATIZATION AND REACTION DETECTORS 194 INTRODUCTION The detector for the first liquid chromatographic separations was the human eye used by Tswett in his classic experiments 1 2 For many years quantitative and qualitative analyses were accomplished by the collection of fractions eluted from the column . Fig. followed by off-line analysis using wet chemical gravimetric optical or other analysis techniques. The concentration of analyte in each fraction couldbe plotted aj auistfrd c nmm l ir 5ui ig e . r 5i dtini in a crudedKomatodram. Collectionand analysieof fractions iltimr-consuming usually dgcodcf chromato-grapaCc raiolgiion ane is generaliy iaconcenieni so on-line .