tailieunhanh - Justification of Appropriation Estimates for the Committee on Appropriations

The Agency’s FY 2013 budget request supports the Administration’s commitment to ensure that all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and protect the environment where they live, learn and work. The EPA’s work touches on the lives of every single American, every single day as we protect the environment for our children, but also for our children’s children. The mission, day in and day out, is to protect the health of the American people by keeping pollution out of the air we breathe, toxins out of the water we drink and swim in, and harmful chemicals. | United StAtES ENviRONMENtAL Protection Agency Fiscal Year 2013 Justification of Appropriation Estimates for the Committee on Appropriations EPA-190-R-12-001 Recycled Recyclable Printed on paper that contains At least 50 recycled fiber Mission The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency EPA is to protect human health and the environment. Introduction and Overview The Agency s FY 2013 budget request supports the Administration s commitment to ensure that all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and protect the environment where they live learn and work. The EPA s work touches on the lives of every single American every single day as we protect the environment for our children but also for our children s children. The mission day in and day out is to protect the health of the American people by keeping pollution out of the air we breathe toxins out of the water we drink and swim in and harmful chemicals out of the food we eat and the lands where we build our homes and our communities. We are committed to advancing environmental justice and achieving transparency in agency decision-making as an integral part of achieving our mission. Environmental challenges and health threats have the capacity to limit opportunity and hold back the progress of entire communities. Recent events such as the radiation released after the earthquake in Japan and the environmental impact of large-scale disasters both natural and manmade reinforce the critical importance of fulfilling the EPA s mission and providing the safeguards that the American people look to the Agency to deliver. We will meet these challenges by using the best available scientific information ensuring fair and effective enforcement of environmental laws and providing all parts of society communities individuals businesses and federal state local and tribal governments access to accurate information so that they may participate effectively in managing human health and environmental .