Now in its 21st year, NITRD is the oldest and largest of the small number of formal Federal programs that engage multiple agencies. As required by the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (. 102-194), the Next Generation Internet Research Act of 1998 (. 105-305), and the America COMPETES (Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science) Act of 2007 (. 110-69), NITRD currently provides a framework and mechanisms for coordination among 15 Federal agencies that support advanced IT R&D and report IT research budgets in the NITRD crosscut. Many other agencies with IT interests also participate informally. | PROGRAM ACQUISITION COSTS BY WEAPON SYSTEM February 2012 OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE COMPTROLLER CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER FY 2013 Program Acquisition Costs by Weapon System Major Weapon Systems OVERVIEW The combined capabilities and performance of . weapons systems are unmatched throughout the world ensuring that our military forces have the advantage over any adversary. The DoD FY 2013 acquisition funding request totals billion of which billion is for Procurement and billion is for Research Development Test and Evaluation RDT E programs. The request includes both Base billion and Overseas Contingency Operations OCO billion funding. Of this amount billion is for programs that have been designated as Major Defense Acquisition Programs MDAP . This book focus on the key MDAP programs. To simplify the display of the various weapon systems this book is organized by mission area categories. Funding Categories Aircraft Munitions and Missiles Command Control Communications Shipbuilding and Maritime Systems and Computer C4 Systems Space Based and Related Systems Ground Programs Missile Defense Mission Support Science and Technology FY 2013 Modernization - Base and OCO Billion in billions Space Based Syster Aircraft Shipbuilding Maritime Systems RDT ES T C4I Systems Ground Systems Missile Defense Mission Support Missiles Munitions Source FY 2013 PRCP - Investment Categorization Numbers may not add due to rounding INTRODUCTION FY 2013 Program Acquisition Costs by Weapon System Preparation of this study report cost the Department of Defense a total of approximately 37 for the 2012 Fiscal Year. Generated on 2012Feb01 1016 RefID 4-7A2E464 .