The Superfund program protects the American public and its resources by cleaning up sites which pose an imminent or long term risk of exposure and harm to human health and the environment. In FY 2013, the Agency will maintain the funding level necessary to respond to emergency releases of hazardous substances as well as maintain the goal of sites achieving human exposure and groundwater migration under control. In addition, as one of the Superfund program’s primary goals, the Agency will continue its “enforcement first” policy and identify and pursue potentially responsible parties (PRPs) to pay for and conduct cleanups. | European Commission EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD AND PARTNERSHIP INSTRUMENT GEORGIA Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013 1 Content Executive 1. OBJECTIVES OF EU EC COOPERATION WITH GEORGIA. 6 Overall external policy goals of the Strategic objectives of EU EC cooperation with 2. AN OUTLINE OF GEORGIA S POLICY General Internal External 3. THE POLITICAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SITUATION. 12 Political developments since the November 2003 Rose Revolution .12 Human rights situation. 13 Economic Analysis of social 4. AN OVERVIEW OF PAST AND ONGOING EC ASSISTANCE16 EC assistance to Georgia 1991-2005. 16 Key lessons learnt for the new programming Complementarity and coordination with other Consistency of EC cooperation policy with other core policies of the EU policy mix . 19 5 THE EC RESPONSE Main Objectives . 19 EC assistance Instruments and means . 24 6 Annex 1 CSP consultation process. 28 Annex 2 Georgia s Country Environment Profile . 29 Annex 3 Total EU grants to Georgia 1992-2006. 33 Annex 4 Past EC Assistance to Georgia. 34 Annex 5 International Donors Activity in Georgia. 36 Annex 6 Policy mix considerations in the Georgia CSP. 39 Annex 7 MDGs for Georgia . 41 Annex 8 Georgia Data Profile. 43 2 Abbreviations BDD Georgia Government Basic Data and Directions 2007-10 BSEC Black Sea Economic Cooperation BTC Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline BTE Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline CBC cross-border cooperation CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy CoE Council of Europe CPT Committee for the Prevention of Torture CSP Country Strategy Paper DAC OECD Development Assistance Committee DFID UK Department for International Development ECHO EC Humanitarian Office EDPRP Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Programme EIB European Investment Bank EIDHR