tailieunhanh - Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition part 5
Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Third Edition part 5. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is today the leading technique for chemical analysis and related applications, with an ability to separate, analyze, and/or purify virtually any sample. Snyder and Kirkland's Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography has long represented the premier reference to HPLC. This Third Edition, with John Dolan as added coauthor, addresses important improvements in columns and equipment, as well as major advances in our understanding of HPLC separation, our ability to solve problems that were troublesome in the past, and the application of HPLC for new kinds of samples. . | xxxviii GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS AN D AB BR EVI AT I ON S As AU b B C peak asymmetry factor Figure absorbance units UV detection fundamental gradient steepness parameter Equation column hydrogen-bond basicity Equation column ion-exchange capacityor electrostatic interaction Equation CCD CD CDR CE CEC ccc CLND cm CMPA cs c-s Cs Da DAD Dm DMSO EC EDTA ELSD EPA FDA Fopt FS Fs -C G H H-B HFBA hP HP-TLC HVAC chemical-composition distribution cyclodextrm chiral denvattcing oea-ent capillary electrophoresis capiUary eltotronhrnmenograohy cornitercunrnnoc-xomatography chemilummereentniteogehdesecsor solute conn entrerro -n mnbilephase cUral mondee h ree .dO itii t chiral seleclor cclumn switeCing solute concentrationinstatiohacr gOase Dalton moteculerweignt diode-arraydetec-or solute diffimiggcoeffiolbetCcm2 sec Equation dimeth ylsclfoxide 616 001 131 hylecc OCe e .NiOOPN -tetraacetic acid evaporativoligOtecatteomn dctecsor US EnvironmeotrlPrcleccion Agency US Food andDonbAssociation toum mot ile-re csc me ram mL min Oortioo n-com e oih lthiel tk niEo tCon .O value of Fsforht nmhmecdear kc Ecuation a ent coueoeEcihhCactort column hycfroghogiciOa eSqne knO Wi hydrogen CooC heptaflurobutyrio aci d reduced ptate heioht CnuatCon 2. peak heigho perfoer aoced iohcyer chromatography haating ventilhtign andacr-cocditioning system GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS xxxix ICH International Conference on Harmonization ILE immobilized liquid extraction IMAC immobilized metal affinity Hmmatographv IPA isopropanol IQ installationqualification ISO International Organization forStandatdization IS icternal staalaab K equal to Cs CJ Kd SEC distrit utkmcaHficianfiHgute also Nernst Distribution Law coeffiaiennEquaiion kEB value of k fortlhylbenzinz different columns standard conditions Equation kw extrapolatedaalue of k for solute X with water as mobile phase Equation ko value of k for asohitcatthcntartof gradknt elution LC x LC .
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