tailieunhanh - The Passionate Programmer

I believe that everyone has remarkable in them but that it takes finding something they truly care about to draw it out. You can’t be remarkable if you don’t love your environment, your tools, and your domain. Before I had my spark lit with 37signals and Ruby on Rails, I went through a series of jobs and gigs that certainly wouldn’t fit the bill as remarkable. I was treading water and just letting one day eat the next. Before I knew it, six months were gone, and I didn’t have anything to show for it | ẫ Pragmatic Bookshelf PRAGMATIC LIFE THE _ PASSIONATE I ROC RAMMER CREATING A REMARKABLE CAREER IN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Chad Fowler FOREWOAC EV DAVID HEINEMEI ER HANSSON What Readers Are Saying About The Passionate Programmer If you are passionate about software craftsmanship if you want to be a great software developer if you want to love your work or if you want to raise the bar and turn software development into a profession instead of a job then read this book. In these pages Chad Fowler presents a set of no-nonsense heuristics disciplines and attitudes that will teach you how to respect and love your profession and be great at it. Bob Martin President Object Mentor Inc. The great thing about this book is that it is full of plans things I can do. It keeps responsibility for my situation where it belongs on me. This book makes it clear that I m not alone it shows that my situation is not uniquely scary and it explains what I can do today. And tomorrow. And for the rest of my career. Kent Beck Programmer Six short months before I read Chad s book I was on the verge of changing careers. Through a series of accidents from November to May I decided not only to stick with software development but to be passionate about it while striving to be great. With a healthy dose of inspiration the book you re now holding served as a road map for achieving those goals. Sammy Larbi Chief Spaghetti Coder The Passionate Programmer Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development Chad Fowler The Pragmatic Bookshelf Raleigh North Carolina Dallas .