tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Hierarchical Chunk-to-String Translation"

However, it is often desirable to consider syntactic constituents of subphrases, . the hierarchical phrase X → X 1 for X 2 , X 2 de X 1 can be applied to both of the following strings in Figure 1 “A request for a purchase of shares” “filed for bankruptcy”, and get the following translation, respectively “goumai gufen de shenqing” “pochan de shenqing”. | Hierarchical Chunk-to-String Translation Yang Feng Dongdong Zhangi Mu Li Ming Zhou Qun Liu t Department of Computer Science University of Sheffield Sheffield UK Í Microsoft Research Asia dozhang@ muli@ mingzhou@ Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences liuqun@ Abstract We present a hierarchical chunk-to-string translation model which can be seen as a compromise between the hierarchical phrasebased model and the tree-to-string model to combine the merits of the two models. With the help of shallow parsing our model learns rules consisting of words and chunks and meanwhile introduce syntax cohesion. Under the weighed synchronous context-free grammar defined by these rules our model searches for the best translation derivation and yields target translation simultaneously. Our experiments show that our model significantly outperforms the hierarchical phrasebased model and the tree-to-string model on English-Chinese Translation tasks. 1 Introduction The hierarchical phrase-based model Chiang 2007 makes an advance of statistical machine translation by employing hierarchical phrases which not only uses phrases to learn local translations but also uses hierarchical phrases to capture reorderings of words and subphrases which can cover a large scope. Besides this model is formal syntax-based and does not need to specify the syntactic constituents of subphrases so it can directly learn synchronous context-free grammars SCFG from a parallel text without relying on any linguistic annotations or assumptions which makes it used conveniently and widely. This work was done when the first author visited Microsoft Research Asia as an intern. 950 However it is often desirable to consider syntactic constituents of subphrases . the hierarchical phrase X X lor X X0deX0 can be applied to both of the following strings in Figure 1 A request for a .