tailieunhanh - Sách Understanding and Using English Grammar

Tài liệu tham khảo understanding and using english grammar | EasyEnglish - CaMT gna Maynara ux AHrnuMCKuM fißbiK. Ha CaMTe EasyEnglish Bb M0xeTe HaMTu MaTepuanbi 3aTparuBarorn ue pa3nuMHbie aCneKTb u3ỵaeHua aHrnuMCK0r0 a3bKa 0T ugu0M u ộpa30Bbix rnar0n0B g0 ỵqeÕHuK0B n0 neKCuKe u rpaMMaTuKe Cn0BapeM aỵgu0KHur Ha 6puTaHCK0M u aMepuKaHCK0M BapuaHTax A3biKa K0MnbWTepHbix 0Õỵqaw ux np0rpaMM a TaKxe MH0r0 gpỵr0M n0ne3H0M uHỘ0pMa4uu. nepeg CKaMuBaHueM Bn M0xeTe 03HaK0MuTbCa C uHTepeCỵra uM BaC MaTepuan0M - np0Cnỵi iaTb ộparMeHTbi aỵgu0KHur n0nuCTaTb ỵaeÕHuKu n0CM0TpeTb CKpuHU0Tb np0rpaMM. Ha CaMTe paÕ0TaeT Ộ0pỵM B K0T0p0M M0rỵT npuHuMaTb ỵaaCTue KaK 3aperuCTpup0BaHHbie TaK u He3aperuCTpup0BaHHbie n0nb30BaTenu. EcTb pa3gen a3biK0Bbix 0Õỵaaro ux urp. KaK r0B0puTCa ỵauTe a3bK urpawau EasyEnglish - CaMT gna M3ỵaara ux AHrnuMCKuM fi3biK. INTERNATIONAL EDITION Not for Sale in the . UNDERSTANDING AND USING NGLISH GRAMMAR Third Edition with ANSWER KEY Longman I Betty Schrampfer Azar UNDERSTANDING AND USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR Third Edition with ANSWER KEY Betty Schrampfer Azar A classic developmental skills text for intermediate to advanced students of English as a second or foreign language Understanding and Using English Grammar is a comprehensive reference grammar as well as a stimulating and teachable classroom text. While keeping the same basic approach and material as in earlier editions the third edition more fully develops communicative and interactive language-learning activities. Some of the new features are Numerous real communication opportunities More options for interactive work in pairs and groups Additional open-ended communicative tasks for both speaking and writing Expanded error analysis exercises Interesting and lively new exercise material Shorter units for easy class use UNDERSTANDING AND USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR Third Edition includes Student Book Full Edition ISBN 0-13-958661-X Volume A ISBN 0-13-958729-2 Volume B ISBN 0-13-958752-7 Full Edition with Answer Key ISBN .