There is an obvious interest in this analysis for feminists, a beauty in its exact rendering of the frustration experienced under the phallocentric order. It gets us nearer to the roots of our oppression, it brings an articulation of the problem closer, it faces us with the ultimate challenge: how to fight the unconscious structured like a language (formed critically at the moment of arrival of language) while still caught within the language of the patriarchy. There is no way in which we can produce an alternative out of the blue, but we can begin to make a break. | THE ROLE OF MUSIC COMMUNICATION IN CINEMA Scott D. Lipscomb David E. Tolchinsky Northwestern University ABSTRACT Authors note This paper is an abbreviated version of a chapter included in a forthcoming book entitled Music Communication D. Miell R. MacDonald D. Hargreaves Eds. to be published by Oxford University Press. Past research leaves no doubt about the efficacy of music as a means of communication. In the following pages after presenting a general model of music communication the authors will introduce models -both empirical and theoretical - of film music perception and the role of music in film referencing some of the most significant research investigating the relationship between sound and image in the cinematic context. We shall then enumerate the many ways in which the motion picture soundtrack can supplement enhance and expand upon the meaning of a film s narrative. The relationship between the auditory and visual components in cinema is both active and dynamic affording a multiplicity of possible relations than can evolve - sometimes dramatically - as the narrative unfolds. This paper will take a cognitive approach to the study of musical communication in cinema. As a result much credence will be given to the results of empirical research investigating human cognitive processing in response to the motion picture experience. In conclusion the present authors will argue for a more inclusive definition of the term film music than that utilized or implied in previous publications. In our view film music is one component of a sonic fabric that includes the musical score ambient sound dialogue sound effects and silence. The functions of these constituent elements often overlap or interact with one another creating a harmonious counterpoint to the visual image . 1. A MODEL OF MUSIC COMMUNICATION Many studies have investigated various aspects of musical communication as a form of expression Bengtsson Gabrielsson 1983 Clarke 1988 Clynes 1983 Gabrielsson 1988 .