tailieunhanh - Canadian Narrative Cinema from the Margins: "The Nation" and Masculinity in Goin' Down The Road

Dense, erudite and sometimes even esoteric, Bonfand’s book is written for the scholar rather than a more general audience. Nevertheless, one has to acknowledge the risk-taking and even the tour de force aspect of the book in which Bonfand ponders the relation between painting and cinema in a very new way. Finally, this work is very encouraging for further investigations of the phenomenology of film using the groundbreaking concepts of the French new wave in phenomenology. After a rather intense period of discussing the aesthetic relationship between cinema and painting in the early nineties, French research in Film. | 26 Peter Harcourt Capra Frijof The Turning Point Science Society and the Rising Culture New York Simon Schuster 1982 Eisler Riane. The Chalice and the Blade Our History Our Future San Francisco Harper Row 1988 . Elder R. Bruce Image and Identity Reflections on Canadian Film and Culture Waterloo Wilfrid Laurier Press 1989 . Frye Northrop The Bush Garden Toronto Anansi 1971 . Divisions on a Ground Toronto Anansi 1982 . Gellner Ernest Thought and Change London Weidenfeld ỄÍ Nicolson 1964 . Nations and Nationalism Ithaca Cornell University Press 1983. Griffin Susan. Woman and Nature The Roaring Inside Her San Francisco Harper Row 1978 . Curves Along the Road. In Reweaving the World The Emergence o Ecofeminism ed. by Irene Diamond and Gloria Orenstein San Francisco Sierra Club Books 1990 . Grant George Technology and Empire Toronto 1969 . Time as History Toronto CBC Publications 1969 . Hodgins Norris ed. Some Canadian Essays London Thomas Nelson Si Sons 1932 . Hurtig Mel The Betrayal of Canada Toronto Stoddart 1991 . Kedourie Elie Nationalism London Hutchinson 1960 1985 . Lower . Colony to Nation 1946 . Mandel Elie ed. Contexts of Canadian Criticism University ofToronto Press 1971 . MacGregor Gaile The Wacousta Syndrome University of Toronto Press 1985 . McLuhan Marshall The Gutenberg Galaxy New York A Signet Paperback 1969 . Nairn Tom The Break-Up of Britain London NLB 1977 . Powys John Cowper The Meaning of Culture New York . Norton 1929 . Ross Malcolm ed. Our Sense of Identity A Book of Canadian Essays Toronto The Ryerson Press 1954 . Scott . and Smith . eds. The Blasted Pine Toronto Macmillan 1967 . Smith Anthony D. Theories of Nationalism London Duckworth 1971 1983 . Yeats . Ideas of Good and Evil London . Bullen 1914 . Wright Robert w. Economics Enlightenment and Canadian Nationalism McGill-Queen s University Press 1993 . Peter Harcourt is a professor of Film Studies at Carleton University J Canadian Narrative Cinema ị from the Margins Ị The