Many students in the surveys singled out organ music as being particularly detrimental to their viewing experiences. Overall, 43 percent of respondents in the initial survey were neutral towards a piano or organ score, with an addition- al percent noting that such music detracted from their engagement with the films. The consensus of the large focus group for the Ballet Mechanique screen- ing was that there would have been diminished interest in the film if an organ score were used. “Organ music would be so distracting, esp.[sic] today, because we rarely hear that,” said one anonymous survey comment. This statement points to the fact that organ music. | Canon GŨS c CINEMA EOS 4 ỉ LEAVE NO STORY UNTOLD Canon Every filmmaker has as ory tc If I can get a small camera that does everything I want It to do with the best quality in the world that s what I want. And that s what I think we have with the Canon Cinema EOS. On the set of SWORD a short film shot exclusively with the Canon Cinema EOS system. FELIX alcala Co-Director and Co-Writer of SWORD