tailieunhanh - Know Rights your your A Missouri Consumer Guide

Sweden's government has published its budget proposal for 2005 re-confirming its "strategy for transforming Sweden into an ecologically sustainable society". The budget's key environmental feature is a continuation of the country's ambitious green tax shift program. In 2005, the increase in environmental taxes will total about SKr billion (€364m). Many of these will fall on road transport, including increases averaging SKr 340 and SKr 100 in vehicle taxes on petrol-driven and diesel-driven cars respectively. Vehicle taxes on light trucks and light buses will rise by 40%. Petrol and diesel taxes will be up SKr and. | Know your3 Rights A Missouri Consumer Guide Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster Chris Koster is sworn in as attorney general by state appellate Judge Joseph Dandurand now deputy attorney general. Niece Claire Koster holds the Bible. Guide will help you recognize fight fraud One of the most important responsibilities of the Attorney General s Office is to protect consumers rights. The office pursues this goal through aggressive enforcement of Missouri s Merchandising Practices law and continued expansion of consumer education programs. Know Your Rights is filled with tips and ideas on how you can recognize fraud protect yourself fight for a fair price and ward off con artists. This information as well as action taken against dishonest operators can be found online at ago. . Learn the facts know your rights and fight back. If you have been defrauded you can file a consumer complaint online at or call the Consumer Protection Hotline at 800-3928222. Chris Koster Attorney General The Missouri Office of the Attorney General is an equal opportunity employer. REVISED MARCH 2009 1 Topics Know wur Rights INSIDE HOME ISSUES 4 Landlord-tenant Law 4 The lease 5 Oral agreements 5 Security deposit 5 Repairs 6 Eviction 6 Discrimination 7 Home repair fraud SOLICITATION ISSUES 8 Thief in the mailbox 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 Reduce telemarketing calls mail credit offers Sweepstakes contests Travel offers Timeshares and travel clubs Charitable solicitations Check a Charity Door-to-door sales PHONE ISSUES 14 15 16 16 16 17 Telemarketing Reduce telemarketing calls Get on the No Call list Slamming and cramming 900 numbers 809 phone scam Cell phones COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS 18 18 Separate fact from fraud 4 consumer rules to avoid scams disputes and unexpected costs 2 KNOW YOUR .