tailieunhanh - Adaptive Traffic Lights Using Car-to-Car Communication

Ouandja Sudanese refugee camp has shown that 32% of children suffer from SAM. In addition, HIV rate prevalence () is amongst the highest in the region and with a third of the population completely lacking access to clean water and sanitation facilities; preventable diseases are wreaking havoc amongst CAR’s vulnerable and conflict-affected populations. Only 51% of children get the opportunity to attend primary school, the figure is much lower in CAR’s conflict affected prefectures where the majority of schools are closed due to the ongoing instability. This means many children are losing their right to education, something. | Adaptive Traffic Lights Using Car-to-Car Communication Victor Gradinescu Cristian Gorgorin Raluca Diaconescu Valentin Cristea Politehnica University Bucharest Computer Science Department 313 Splaiul Independentei Bucharest Romania valentin@ victor cristig ralucad @ Abstract - Traffic coordination in intersections is a very studied and challenging topic. This paper presents an adaptive traffic light system based on wireless communication between vehicles and fixed controller nodes deployed in intersections. We present the integrated simulation environment we have developed in order to study the system. We argue that our system can significantly improve traffic fluency in intersections and has clear advantages over other architectures regarding both cost and performance. I. Introduction Advances in mobile computing and wireless communication have offered new possibilities for Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS aiming at improving driving safety and traffic efficiency. By adding short-range wireless communication capabilities to vehicles the devices form a mobile ad-hoc network allowing cars to exchange information about road conditions. This is referred to in the literature as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks VANETs . Traffic safety is the focus of current research on VANETs and the main motivation of deploying this technology and to make it ubiquitous. However there are a number of other applications that could improve the way we drive today. This paper examines the possibility of deploying an adaptive signal control system in intersections a system that can base its control decision on information coming from cars. We assume each vehicle is equipped with a short-range wireless communication device as is a controller node placed in the intersection with traffic lights Figure 1 . Figure 1. Traffic lights communicate with cars to adapt timings The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we present related work in the field of .