tailieunhanh - Identifying Unsafe Driver Actions that Lead to Fatal Car-Truck Crashes

The point stabilization problem can be formulated in a local or in a global sense, the latter meaning that we allow for initial congurations that are arbi- trarily far from the destination. The same is true also for path following and trajectory tracking, although locality has two di erent meanings in these tasks. For path following, a local solution means that the controller works properly provided we start su ciently close to the path; for trajectory tracking, close- ness should be evaluated with respect to the current position of the reference robot | Identifying Unsafe Driver Actions that Lead to Fatal Car-Truck Crashes Prepared by Lidia P Kostyniuk Fredrick M. Streff and Jennifer Zakrajsek University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Prepared for AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 1440 New York Avenue . Suite 201 Washington DC 20005 April 2002 Cover photo J. Scott Osberg AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Contents Executive Chapter 1. The First Stage of Research Identifying Unsafe Driver Actions Bayesian Estimating Likelihood Chapter 2. The Second Stage of Research Detailed Review of Car-Truck Crash Records Cases Involving the Four Driver Age and Gender Chapter 3. The Third Stage of Research Exploring the Development of Educational Materials Instructional Instructional Matching Instructional Targets and Matching Research Findings With Instructional Targets and Chapter 4. Discussion of Appendixes A. Driver-Level Related Factors in B. Frequency of Driver Factors Recorded in Fatal Two-Vehicle C. Likelihood of Driver Factor in Fatal Car-Truck Crash Relative to Fatal Car-Car D. Likelihood of Driver Factor in Fatal Car-Heavy Truck Crash Relative to Fatal Car-Medium-Weight-Truck E. Examples and Summary from Detailed Review .52 F. Test for Gender G. Instructional Strategies and Feedback