The last 30 years have been tough on the image of telemarketing. Even though most companies are reputable, most callers are honest and most products and services offer good value, more often than not prospects have very bad things to say about being contacted by phone. I think this is good news. For those of us willing to use fresh approaches, the road is very clear. It’s pretty easy to set ourselves above “stereotypical telemarketers.” Review your scripts and sales tools and look for any statements that you remember from sales training or outbound scripts longer than 10 years ago. Also delete anything you heard the. | GABRIELA BOLDUREANU TEODOR PADURARU MERCHANDISING - MODERN TECHNIQUE USED IN THE PROCESS OF GOODS SALES Etymologically the term merchandising is derived from the noun merchandise that means in a broad sense goods respectively the assembly of products that constitutes the assortment of a shop with the radical ing that expresses the voluntary action of the seller to organize his her activity in order to make the shop profitable 6 . The National Marketing Association in the USA considers merchandising as being the totality of techniques and previsions required in order to sell the right product in the right place in the right quantities at the right time and at the right price . It is the so called rule of the 5R 1. The Right Product The right product is the unique compound of three elements product s functions intrinsic qualities support system. What does the client really buy is the question that appears in connection to the product. Figure 1. Product in the marketing view Source Prutianu t. - Inteligenta Marketing Plus p. 119. An. Inst. cerc. ec. Gh. Zane t. 18 Iaậi 2009 p. 129-133 130 Boldureanu Gabriela Teodor Păduraru 2 2. The Right Quantity It depends both on the need to buy and use of the consumer and the need to buy and sell of the seller. The factors that the trader has to take into account to determine the right quantity are 1. Number of items. Some buyers need only one item while others need more items. This is determined by the buying frequency by the price sensitivity of the client by his her marital status etc. 2. The size of the item. Products of diverse sizes medium small large have a different impact upon the consumers. 3. Unit of measurement kilogram liter piece etc 4. Necessity. It refers to the decision of buying both of the consumer and of the seller. The buying decision of the seller is more difficult as a too small quantity of a certain product creates stock rests and in too large quantities leads to larger stocks. 3. The Right Place In order .