tailieunhanh - 2012 Outlook for the retail and Consumer Products Sector in Asia

Multiple techniques and channels are used to reach youth, beginning when they are toddlers, to build brand identification and influence food product purchases. Unfortunately, foods marketed to children—from highly sweetened cereals to cookies, candy, fast foods, and soda—are predominantly high in calories, sugar, and fat. Food marketers are interested in children and adolescents as consumers because children spend billions of their own dollars annually, influence how billions more are spent through household food purchases, and are future adult consumers (Kraak, 1998, McNeal, 1998). Children under 12 years of age spend an estimated. | 2012 Outlookfor the Retail and Consumer Products Sector in Asia pwc Carrie Yu China Asia Pacific Retail and Consumer Leader PwC Foreword As the economic and financial crisis in the euro zone deepens and the outlook for the US economy is far from certain 2012 looks almost certain to be a difficult year. Asia unavoidably is affected by the fallout and economic growth is expected to be slower than the previous year. However as growth in retail and consumer goods in Western markets is anticipated to be sluggish in the foreseeable future emerging Asian markets hold out more robust promises for growth and expansion. Indeed Asia will remain the main engine of global retail growth. While much attention is inevitably focused on China the main powerhouse in Asia other emerging markets in the region should not be overlooked. Potentials and opportunities in India Vietnam Thailand and Indonesia among the others are substantial. At present 24 of Asia s population has internet access and the figure is rising quickly. In well-connected countries such as Japan South Korea and China the growth of online retailing will bring enormous benefit to retail and consumer products companies while at the same time industry players in the US and Europe will also stand to gain from such growth in multi-channel retailing for a long time to come. Notwithstanding the opportunities the challenges of sustaining growth in a volatile global economy remain to be daunting. Retail and consumer products companies are renowned for their resilience and persevering spirit. In times of difficulty the industry needs to work together to confront the many challenges ahead. Alliance and collaborative efforts will help to surmount many issues too huge for any single company to handle. Traditional wisdom has told us cash is king in times of uncertainty and volatility. Companies must re-examine critically their cost structure liquidity and operation effectiveness and efficiency. We must continue to .