tailieunhanh - Social Work in Social Change

This study forms part of a series of studies on professions and professional education being conducted by the HSRC's research programme on Education, Science & Skills Development. It follows a pilot study on medical doctors, published in 2006 entitled Doctors in a Divided Society: The profession and education of medical practitioners in South Africa. | Free download from Social Work in Social Change The Profession and Education of Social Workers in South Africa Nicci Earle HSRC PRESS Free download from Published by HSRC Press Private Bag X9182 Cape Town 8000 South Africa First published 2008 ISBN 978-0-7969-2208-3 2008 Human Sciences Research Council Copyedited by David Merrington Typeset by Robin Taylor Cover design by Flame Design Print management by comPress Distributed in Africa by Blue Weaver Tel 27 0 21 701 4477 Fax 27 0 21 701 7302 Distributed in Europe and the United Kingdom by Eurospan Distribution Services EDS Tel 44 0 20 7240 0856 Fax 44 0 20 7379 0609 Distributed in North America by Independent Publishers Group IPG Call toll-free 800 888 4741 Fax 1 312 337 5985 contents Tables and figures v Preface vii Acknowledgements ix Abbreviations and acronyms xi The professional milieu and professional labour market of social workers in South Africa Free download from 1 Towards an understanding of the profession and education of social workers 2 Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Conclusion 12 2 Professional milieu for social workers in South Africa 14 History of the social work profession An international overview 14 Social welfare of the South African nation 18 Key changes in the South African welfare system 22 Effects of these changes on social work practice 23 Governance cooperation and coordination 32 Other social service professions 35 Image of social work 36 Professional organisation 38 Transferability of skills 43 Conclusion 44 3 Professional labour market for social WORKERS IN South Africa 46 Demographics and distribution of registered social workers 46 Demand for social workers and the factors fuelling demand 49 Supply of social workers from the South African higher education system 58 Higher education context of changes in social worker supply 63 The Bachelor of .