tailieunhanh - Two-Page Summaries of Common Medical Conditions

Only about to of VRS episodes are complicated by bacterial infection. 48 Although ABRS is often considered a transition from a preceding viral URI, bacterial infection can develop at any time during the course of illness. The concept of a transition, however, is useful for management decisions, especially when considering the time course of VRS and which disease patterns are most likely to be associated with bacterial infection. In the first 3 to 4 days of illness VRS cannot be differ- entiated from an early-onset ABRS, and for that reason only patients with unusually severe presentations or extrasinus manifestations of infection are presumed to have a bacterial illness. Similarly, between 5 and 10. | Two-Page Summaries of Common Medical Conditions Based on TMT s web-based questionnaires http this document provides short summaries of key medical information on 20 common medical conditions with particular emphasis on diagnosis. Each summary can be provided to patients on a single 2-sided printed page. The summaries are highly condensed versions of publicly available review articles provided by the USA National Institutes of Health as supplemented by medical literature available as of January 2006. The information in this document should not be considered medical advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified health care professional. 2006 Taylor MicroTechnology Inc. TMT . All rights reserved. A single printed or electronic copy may be made for noncommercial personal use only. Contact TMT info@ for permission to distribute paper copies or to post a copy on an Internet website permission normally provided without fee . The summaries below are for The commonest causes of chronic pain approximately in order of frequency headache lower back pain sciatica knee pain shoulder pain hip pain toothache chest pain jaw pain peripheral neuropathy hand wrist pain. Differentiation between the different types of pain nociceptive neuropathic visceral psychogenic mixed . Common symptoms seen in general medical practice dizziness edema feeling ill fever sleeping problems . Diseases BPH depression influenza visual field defects . HEADACHE. 2 LOWER BACK PAIN KNEE SHOULDER HIP CHEST JAW PAIN TMJ TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISORDER .16 PERIPHERAL NeUrOPATHY. 18 WRIST CARPAL TUNNEL DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN DIFFERENT PAIN DIZZINESS . 24 EDEMA . 26 FEELING SLEEP BPH BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA .34 DEPRESSION . 36 INFLUENZA FLU .38 VISUAL FIELDS Copyright 2006 Taylor MicroTechnology Inc. HEADACHE CLASSIFICATION OF HEADACHES .