These three types of characteristics are summarised in Table 1, which gives a stylised presentation of di erences with respect to pre-costs, post-costs, which type of consumers buying behaviour the evaluation a ect, and nally examples of the di erent types of characteristics. An example of a search characteristic could be visible fat of a chop of pork; an example of an experience characteristic is the taste of pork under di erent preparations; and animal welfare of the production system that delivers pork exemplify a credence characteristic. Although the trichotomy of \search characteristics", \experience character- istics" and \credence characteristics" seems pretty obvious, economists still use this classication only sporadically. There are several reasons. | A3602 Direct Marketing of Farm Produce and Home Goods Direct marketing alternatives and strategies for beginning and established producers John Cottingham James Hovland Jordana Lenon Teryl Roper Catherine Techtmann Table of Contents Why try direct marketing .2 Direct marketing Have a good Make harvesting Organize traffic Limit Provide PYO keys to Offer Consider rent-a-crop .5 Roadside Typical PYO and roadside market customers . 5 Choose a prime Start with a simple Plan for Sell quality Roadside market keys to success . 7 Roadside markets checklist for handling Farmers Plan a Farmers market keys to success . 8 Invest the Subscription Reap the Talk to your Subscription farming keys to success . 10 Home Try a catalog or Home delivery keys to success . 11 Selling to stores restaurants and other Determining business feasibility and marketing Marketing plan Financial Know your fixed and variable costs . . 14 Obtain necessary Sell by weight or volume .15 Adjust prices Pricing Mass Special promotions and events . 19 Sell by package or bulk .21 Other management concerns employees liability and market Hire qualified Training and motivating tips . 22 Minimize Assess your Prevent common complaints . 23 Cater to the Sources of County Extension Technical and adult education . 24 Other direct Supporting Books and .
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