I gave them as good a brain dump as I could on each topic. They sat raptly and asked intelligent follow-up questions. These were smart kids, mind you: usually top computer science graduates and plenty of experienced programmers. But for all their coding skills, they didn’t really know the first thing about making a business successful. Which is OK. They’ll learn. It’s not that hard. The hardest part is realizing that even though you’re making an Internet company, writing the code and getting it to work is only a small part of the effort, and not necessarily the most critical one. The business side is just as crucial | FROM DEVELOPER TO FOUNDER This book is a fantastic resource for anyone doing a web startup or a software startup. -JOEL SPOLSKY The Web Startup Success Guide BOB WALSH FOREWORD BY JOEL SPOLSKY CEO OF FOG CREEK SOFTWARE THE WEB STARTUP SUCCESS GUIDE Bob Walsh Apress