tailieunhanh - Broken Markets - Banking, regulation, and Financial crises    

During the Bush II administration, I became concerned about changes in the rules on short selling. Along with Republican Senator Johnny Isaakson, I wrote to SEC Chair Mary Schapiro, asking her to follow up on her confirmation hearing pledge to look into reinstat-ing the “uptick rule,” which had been removed in what former SEC Chair Chris Cox admitted had been a mistake. Short sellers play an important role in maintaining an orderly market. But there also are predatory bears. If not policed, they could have a devastating effect by creating a never-ending, negative feedback loop. The uptick rule helped to. | BROKEN MARKETS How High Frequency Trading and Predatory Practices on Wall Street are Destroying Investor Confidence and Your Portfolio SAL L. ARNUK JOSEPH c. SALUZZI Foreword by FORMER . SENATOR TED KAUFMAN Broken Markets This page intentionally left .