tailieunhanh - FACE2FACE

When you have the ability to communicate reflection means that you can communicate and exchange English fluently, quickly and accurately in everyday normal situations. You have the ability to understand the true intention is to communicate with you and be able to express its opposite for a quick, no hesitation, stumbling or embarrassing. | with CD-ROM Audio CD Cambridge Ỉ2face CT Vocabulary j tj Grammar C33 Real World cn Help with Listening R Reading w Writing 1 Work rest and play Language Summary 1 p119 CD-ROM 1A-D Worknr Ik p5 1A Life stories ITT day-tn day phrases quesbvn words MiB review ol verb urns and questions p4 1B Super commuters w work questions at rut travel MS subje-t quesbons m word stress p6 1C Time to relax STB free time activities do Olay go go to frequency adverbs and expressions CT Reading a newspaper article L Stening a Surrey sentence stress 1 p8 1 Speed dating 77 finding tings in commor p10 1 Review and Progress Portfolio p11 Reading ano Writing Portfolio 1 R a personal letter w a letter to a friend Workbook p72 2 Beginnings Language Summary 2 pl 21 CD-ROM 2A-Ũ Workbook p10 2A Starting small irregular verbs past time Ihrases Fast Simple p12 2 First meetings relationships 1 east Continuous positive negative and questions weak forms 1 wav ano vere p14 2C The 1OO1 Nights connecting words 1 f T Reading a t k coven Rending and Listening a stnry weak forms 2 the schwa a p16 2D Small talk cm starting and ending conversations pl 2 Review and Progress Portfolio p19 Reading and Writing Portfolio 2 R an email With news w innecting v-ords 1 . addmo and contrasting an email 1 WurKbnok p74 . 3 The world of work Language Summary 3 pl 23 CD-ROM 3A-D. Workbook p 5 3A Getting qualified employment tint to hx to nave to and have p20 1 3B Job-hunting looking for a job Present Continuous and Present Simple activity and state verbs p22 30 Strange jobs word building noun endings m Listening a radio interview Reading a magazine article linking 1 p24 3D I m really sorryl ÍĨ771 apologies reasons and promises p26 3 Review and Progress Portfolio p27 Reading and Writing Portfolio 3 R a fcmal letter w a curriculum vitae CV Workbook p76 J 4 That s entertainment Language Summary 4 p126 CD-ROM 4A- D Workbook p20 4A The silver screen CT types Of Him past participles MiW Present rtrfect lor life .