With the vast flow of content including email, web page visits, meetings, etc. and the fact that we have powerful ways to search for content, one might conclude that no organization is needed. In effect, everything can be in one, large folder and items are retrieved by their content with no attention to “location”. This is the exact opposite of how the project started five years ago – over 30,000 items were named and placed in about 1500 file folders, and retrieval was principally by folder location and file name. The classifying principle we used in. | Release Notes -- May 2004 RELEASE NOTES FOR VERSION OF THE DATABASE John C. Martin University of Minnesota ị If you use information or advice from this memo please acknowledge it and ị the net site http in any resulting publications thanks. 1. Introduction to Version This is version of the data gathered by the HST Eta Carinae Treasury Project using the HST Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph STIS CCD. This initial release includes several improvements over normal STScI pipeline and CALSTIS reductions which are detailed below Section 2 . The data have epochs spanning from January 1998 through March 2004 including intensive coverage of the spectroscopic event. Note that this release includes nearly all the spectroscopic data which will be gathered using the HST STIS CCD for this project. However at the same time it represents only the first stages of the data reduction. Additional processing and software will become available later this year. For more information on the full extent of the HST Eta Carinae Treasury Project please visit our web site http . 2. Items Of Interest Pertaining to Version The following items pertain to the release of Version of the database a New File Naming Scheme We have adopted a naming scheme which differs from that used with the earlier releases of data to team members. All future versions and releases will use these file names. The conventions of this naming scheme are fairly simple as detailed in Technical Memo number 3 on our web site http treasury publications pdf 2 b Improved Pixel Interpolation The improved techniques used to model and interpolate the pixels in the STIS CCD are outlined in Technical Memo number 1 on our web site http treasury publications pdf This technique has improved the effective resolution of the STIS CCD on the dispersion and cross-dispersion axis since the previously used scheme effectively acted