If you have obtained competitive bids, the proposals are the grounds for your decision and ultimately for the contract. In the case of a sole-source contract, the proposal is the basis for agreement between client and conservator on the scope of work, fee, schedule, and other conditions. To evaluate proposals in either case, form a small advisory committee of knowledgeable people who can assess the technical merits of each conservator’s experience, methods and materials, schedule, and fee. Interviews with the finalists are helpful for judging subjective qualities, but previous clients can also give you their candid assessments | The Study Gallery Poole - South Hill Park Arts Centre Bracknell - The Particularisation of Form Two major influences underpin Michael Shaw s work the first is Minimalist sculpture and the theories of Donald Judd the second is Piero della Francesca and his book on the Five Regular Solids Libellus de Quinque Corporibus Regularibus which describes innovative interpretations of solid geometry. The influence of minimalist sculpture focuses on Judd s concept of specific objects where as Judd writes the shape image colour and surface are single . Through his practice as a sculptor Michael has subjected this concept of singularity of form to extensive examination and extension so that perhaps his work is less ambiguous and therefore more faithful to this concept than Judd s ever was. The ambiguity in Judd s sculpture relates to most of his sculptures conforming to box like constructions that rely on the precision of the right angle the conseguence of this is that just as sguare boxes have four sides so do his sculptures and in having four sides they can be said to be made up of parts no matter how pervasive the guality of the orthogonal and the sguare are. Further to this the repetition of sguareness without variation can result in a work having little or no aesthetic significance what is reguired therefore is the addition of a different part or change in composition to strike a contrast. The intention of this different part is that it will through its contrast either reinforce or destabilise gualities of sguareness. Judd did this extensively but because he seldom gave his sculptures titles other than Untitled they are difficult to reference in an article such as this that is without illustrations. There is for instance his Untitled of 1964 that also has the colloguial title of Swimming Pool . This sculpture is of a sguare configuration resting on the floor. Consistent with its sguare configuration it has straight sides but the .
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