In our conceptual DBMS model, there are many data nodes. The physical data is partitioned among the data nodes in a way that is optimized for the specific DBMS. Once the SQL node has formulated the execution plan, the plan is routed to the data nodes that manage the data partitions targeted by the SQL statement. Each data node performs the execution plan it is given and forms a result set. The result set from each data node is returned to the SQL node, where it is merged with the result set from the other data nodes. The final. | AN INTRODUCTION TO HYPERION DATABASE Controller s Department 3607 Administrative Services Building 4 15 2002 Menu Bar Tool Bar Point of Vie1 Bar Desktop Screen Hyperion Enterprise is a database that contains data that can be used to develop and print reports. Hyperion Retrieve is an Excel interface that provides a method to pull numbers from the Hyperion database into Excel. The accounting information is entered into the Hyperion database at the central location the Controller s Department and then used by the branches departments colleges reporting units to manage their accounts. Hyperion allows users the flexibility to view financial information in different formats and groupings. The Enterprise Desktop serves as the starting point for all operations performed in the Hyperion Enterprise system. The eleven large icons in the lower three-fourths of the screen are Desktop icons. Actual Hyperion Database data is seen in only the Data Entry and the Reports modules. The modules that are gray are used by the database administrators. Data is loaded from the central accounting system which is similar to information on the departmental class reports. The data is loaded into Hyperion at the class code level so not every transaction is shown. It is also at the fund group or fund account level project-section level breakdown is not available. In the Data Entry module it is possible to view database contents. In the Reports module reports that have been created at ISU can be viewed printed and downloaded to Excel. Hyperion Retrieve is also available to create Excel spreadsheets that pull information from the Hyperion Database in an updateable format. Page 2 of 23 Data Elements There are five data elements that can be set in Hyperion. These will determine how the information is selected and arranged. The data elements are Category Period Organization Entity and Account. Different combinations of data elements are used to retrieve specific data for viewing or .