Quan tâm đến lĩnh vực giám sát môi trường và đánh giá định lượng của các vấn đề môi trường đang gia tăng. Đối với một số năm nay, kết quả của các mô hình môi trường và phân tích đánh giá có ảnh hưởng đến quy định và chính sách môi trường. Những kết quả này được trích dẫn rộng rãi các chính trị gia trong việc dự báo hậu quả của phát thải khí gây hiệu ứng nhà kính như carbon dioxide (CO2) và ủng hộ cắt giảm đáng kể tiêu thụ năng lượng nhà nước, địa phương,. | Chapter 3 Environmental Modeling introduction Interest in the field of environmental monitoring and quantitative assessment of environmental problems is growing. For some years now the results of environmental models and assessment analyses have been influencing environmental regulation and policies. These results are widely cited by politicians in forecasting consequences of greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide CO2 and in advocating dramatic reductions of energy consumption at local state national and international levels. For this reason and because environmental modeling is often based on extreme conceptual and numerical intricacy and uncertain validity environmental modeling has become one of the most controversial topics of applied mathematics. Having said this environmental modeling continues to be widely used in environmental engineering with its growth only limited by the imagination of the modelers. Environmental engineering problem-solving techniques incorporating modeling are widely used in watershed mapping surface water information flood hazard mapping climate modeling groundwater modeling and others. Keep in mind that the end product produced on any modeling system will be at least in part a reflection of the modeling system sometimes more than a reflection of actual conditions. In this chapter we do not provide a complete treatment of environmental modeling. For the reader who desires such a treatment we highly recommend Nirmalakhandan s Modeling Tools for Environmental Engineers and Scientists 2002. Much of the work presented in this chapter is modeled after his work. We present an overview of quantitative operations implicit to environmental modeling processes. MEDIA MATERIAL content Media material content is a measure of the material contained in a bulk medium quantified by the ratio of the amount of material present to the amount of the medium. The terms mass moles or volume can be used to quantify the amounts. Thus the ratio can