The field of clectronic music is undergoing an electronics revolution similar to thc current microproccssor/microcomputer revolution. Initially music synthesizcrs wcrc built using discrete components-transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc. Synthcsizer modules wcre fairly complex in design and were subject to temperature stability and reliability problems due to the large number of individual components used. | ELECTRONIC MUSIC CIRCUITS BY BARRY KLEIN The Blacksburg Continuing Education Series The Blacksburg Continuing Education Series of books provide a Laboratory or experiment-oriented approach to electronic topics. Present and forthcoming titles In this series include Advanced 6502 Interfacing Analog Instrumentation Fundamentals Apple Interfacing Basic Business Software BASIC Programmer s Notebook Circuit Design Programs for the Apple II Circuit Design Programs for the TRS-80 Design of Active Filters with Experiments Design of Op-Amp Circuits With Experiments Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits With Experiments Design of Transistor Circuits With Experiments Design of VMOS Circuits With Experiments 8080 8085 Software Design 2 Volumes 8085A Cookbook Electronic Music Circuits 555 Timer Applications Sourcebook With Experiments Guide to CMOS Basics Circuits Experiments How to Program and Interface the 6800 Introduction to FORTH Microcomputer Analog Converter Software and Hardware Interfacing Microcomputer Interfacing With the 8255 PPI Chip Microcomputer Design and Maintenance NCR Basic Electronics Course With Experiments NCR Data Communications Concepts NCR Data Processing Concepts Course NCR EDP Concepts Course PET Interfacing Programming and Interfacing the 6502 With Experiments 16-Bit Microprocessors 6502 Software Design 6801 68701 and 6803 Microcomputer Programming and Interfacing The 68000 Principles and Programming 6809 Microcomputer Programming Interfacing With Experiments TEA An 8080 8085 Co-Resident Editor Assembler TRS-80 Assembly Language Made Simple TRS-80 Interfacing 2 Volumes TRS-80 More Than BASIC In most cases these books provide both text material and experiments which permit one to demonstrate and explore the concepts that are covered in the book. These books remain among the very few that provide step-by-step Instructions concerning how to learn basic electronic concepts wire actual circuits test microcomputer interfaces and program computers based on .