tailieunhanh - Báo cáo y học: " Descriptive epidemiology of stigma against depression in a general population sample in Alberta"

Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: Descriptive epidemiology of stigma against depression in a general population sample in Alberta | Cook and Wang BMC Psychiatry 2010 10 29 http 1471-244X 10 29 BMC Psychiatry RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Desc riptive epidemiology of stigma against depression in a general population sample in Alberta Trevor M Cook 1 and JianLi Wang 1 2 Abstract Background Mental health illnesses such as depression are responsible for a growing disease burden worldwide. Unfortunately effective treatment is often impeded by stigmatizing attitudes of other individuals which have been found to lead to a number of negative consequences including reduced help-seeking behavior and increased social distance. Despite the high prevalence of depression in Canada little research has been conducted to examine stigma against depression in the Canadian general population. Such information is crucial to understanding the current state of stigmatizing attitudes in the Canadian communities and framing future stigma reduction initiatives. The objectives of this study were to estimate the percentages of various stigmatizing attitudes toward depression in a general population sample and to compare the percentages by demographics and socioeconomic characteristics. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional telephone survey in Alberta Canada between February and June 2006. Random digit dialing was used to recruit participants who were aged 18-74 years old n 3047 . Participants were presented a case vignette describing a depressed individual and responded to a 9-item Personal Stigma questionnaire. The percentages of stigmatizing attitudes were estimated and compared by demographic and socioeconomic variables. Results Among the participants endorsed that depressed individuals were unpredictable and held the view that people with depression were dangerous. Significant differences in stigmatizing attitudes were found by gender age education and immigration status. A greater proportion of men than women held stigmatizing views on each stigma item. No consistent trend emerged by .