tailieunhanh - Programming Microsoft ® SQL Server™ 2000 with Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET

Anyone who buys a book—or considers buying it—wants to know who the book is for, what sets it apart from others like it , and how the book is organized. This int roduct ion covers those three quest ions, and it also discusses system requirements, sample files, and support . | Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Foreword Acknowledgments I ntroduction Who s the Book For What s Special About This Book How s the Book Organized System Requirements Sample Files Support 1. Getting Started with Visual Basic .NET for SQL Server 2000 Visual Studio .NET the Visual Basic .NET IDE An Overview of Capabilities A Starter Sample Using Query Analyzer 2. Tables and Data Types Chapter Resou rces Data Types for Tables Scripting Tables 3. Programming Data Access with T-SQL I ntroduction to Data Access with T-SQL Aggregating and Grouping Rows Processing Dates Joins and Subqueries 4. Programming Views and Stored Procedures I ntroduction to Views Creating and Using Views Views for Remote and Heterogeneous Sources I ntroduction to Stored Procedures Creating and Using Stored Procedures Processing Stored Procedure Outputs Inserting Updating and Deleting Rows Programming Conditional Result Sets 5. Programming User-Defined Functions and Triggers Introduction to User-Defined Functions Creating and Invoking Scalar UDFs Creating and Invoking Table-Valued UDFs I ntroduction to Triggers Creating and Managing Triggers 6. SQL Server 2000 XML Functionality Overview of XML Support XML Formats and Schemas URL Access to SQL Server Template Access to SQL Server 7. SQL Server 2000 Security Overview of SQL Server Security Introduction to Special Security Issues Samples for Logins and Users Samples for Assigning Permissions 8. Overview of the .NET Framework An Introduction to the .NET Framework An Overview of XML Web Services 9. Creating Windows Applications Getting Started with Windows Forms Creating and Using Class References I nheriting Classes Programming Events Exception Handling for Run-Time Errors 10. Programming Windows Solutions with An Overview of ADO. NET Objects Making Connections Working with Command and DataReader Objects DataAdapters Data Sets Forms and Form Controls Modifying Inserting and Deleting