tailieunhanh - Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp: Sustainable community-based forest development and management in some high-poverty areas in Bac Kan Province ( ATTACHMENT 3 )

Là phần của dự án CARD 017/06VIE bền vững dựa vào cộng đồng phát triển rừng quản lý và nghèo đói cao Trong một số vùng trong tỉnh Bắc Kạn, một khóa học đào tạo Village hoạt động vườn ươm WS Thực hiện dự án thí điểm làng trong lò ở Na Mục Khuổi Liềng (Văn Minh) và Dooc và Ban Sang (xã Lạng San) Na Ri quận, huyện còn période Tháng Chín 26 - ngày 19 tháng 10 năm 2007. Mục tiêu chính là để WS Dân làng và cán bộ khuyến nông xã trong hoạt động cơ bản của vườn ươm thôn. Giảng. | ATTACHMENT 3 Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development Australian Government Aus AID CARD Project 017 06VIE - Sustainable community-based forest development and management in some high-poverty areas in Bac Kan Province Report on a Training Course in Village Nursery Operations September October 2007 As part of CARD Project 017 06VIE - Sustainable community-based forest development and management in some high-poverty areas in Bac Kan Province a training course in village nursery operations was conducted in four project pilot villages at Na Muc Khuoi Lieng Van Minh Commune and To Dooc and Ban Sang Lang San Commune in Na Ri district over the period 26 September - 19 October 2007. The main objective was to train villagers and commune extension workers in basic operations of village nursery. Trainers were Mr Khongsak Pinyopusarerk CSIRO Ensis at Na Muc and To Dooc Mr Ho Ngoc Son Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry at Na Muc and To Dooc and Mr Nguyen My Hai Bac Kan Agricultural Extension Department at all four villages. At each village the course was run for 2 days and attended by 20 or more village members both male and female. The two commune extension workers in Van Minh and Lang San also participated The training began with informal lectures at the village meeting hall using flip charts prepared from PowerPoint slides in Vietnamese language and many drawings and pictures. This was followed by a practical session focusing on preparation of potting mix and seed sowing. After that trainees and trainers joined force in construction of a nursery. The list of participants is given in Attachments 1 - 4. The training PowerPoint flip charts are presented in Attachment 5. A written manual Tree Nursery Manual for Village Operations was provided to project staff and extension workers Attachment 6 . This manual emphasises practical application suitable for small village nurseries. The informal lectures covered the following. 1. Planning a new nursery Factors to .