tailieunhanh - Dự án khoa học: Sustainable community-based forest development and management in some high-poverty areas in Bac Kan Province ( ATTACHMENT 1)

Luật năm 2004 về bảo vệ rừng và phát triển cộng đồng có một ĐÃ Chấp nhận chủ sở hữu của một khu rừng. Đó là một cơ sở pháp lý cho chính quyền địa phương trong việc bảo vệ và phát triển rừng cộng đồng. Trong khuôn khổ của dự án CARD, nhiệm vụ đầu tiên trong sự hướng dẫn của rừng cộng đồng quy hoạch và quản lý được chuyển giao rừng và đất rừng cho cộng đồng. Để thực hiện các hoạt động, nó là cần thiết để cung cấp kiến thức tuyên bố, phương pháp và kỹ năng về đất đai. | ATTACHMENT 1 Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development Australian Government AusAID CARD Project 017 06VIE - Sustainable community-based forest development and management in some high-poverty areas in Bac Kan Province Report on a Training Course in Participatory Land Use Planning 13-20 May 2007 Prepared by Dr Le Sy Trung Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Thai Nguyen Vietnam May 2007 1 Result of training in participatory land use planning for pilot villages in Na Ri district Bac Kan province 1. Background The Law 2004 on forest protection and development has accepted a community as owner of a forest. That is a legal basis for the local authorities in protection and development of community forest. In the framework of CARD project the first task in the guidance of community forest management is planning and transfering forest and land to the community. In order to carry out the activities it is necessary to provide knowledge methods and skills in parcipatory land and forest planning- transfering . With the agreement of the project management board the consultant group of the Forestry Faculty Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry conducted training in land and forest planning and transfering to the community for project participants from 13 to 20 May 2007 at the project villages. After the training course participants will be able to use tools in land use planning of community forest and know how to use the map in land and forest planning and transfering. 3. Schedule of implementation The first day In the morning After opening ceremony introduction of representatives by the village head the members of the consultant group introduced them the main contents with the method of presentation including illustration from 8h to 9h30 . The participants heard and understood what was planning and how to set up participatory plan what was the principle of planning and different steps and content of planning 2 After a short break in the .