tailieunhanh - Báo cáo sự kiện khoa học: Extending export opportunities to smallplot dragon fruit growers through Good Agricultural Practices (Milestone 3)

Tóm tắt thông tin điều hành nên Cung cấp chi tiết lớn hơn trên thực hiện dự án và đạt được tiến độ dự án hướng tới mục tiêu. Báo cáo này, Milestone 3 của dự án 029/07VIE thanh long, bao gồm mô tả cột mốc "Báo cáo sáu tháng đầu tiên". Tất cả các nhân viên từ các dự án trái cây trước con rồng Trách nhiệm tương tự như trong dự án này. Sự tán thành của SOFRI sau thu hoạch chuyên gia tính toán trước đây cho dự án này, ông Đỗ Minh Hiền, đã từ chức vào tháng. | Extending export opportunities to smallplot dragon fruit growers through Good Agricultural Practices Campbell J Nguyen Van Hoa Nguyen Huu Hoang November 2008 Milestone 3 report to Hassall and Associates International HortResearch Client Report No. 27975 HortResearch Contract No. 22663 Campbell J The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Ltd HortResearch Nelson Region 55 Old Mill Road R D 3 Motueka 7198 NEW ZEALAND Tel 64-3-907 3602 Fax 64-3-907 3596 Nguyen Van Hoa Nguyen Huu Hoang Southern Fruit Research Institute PO Box 203 My Tho Long Dinh - Chau Thanh Tien Giang VIETNAM Tel 84 73 834 699 DISCLAIMER Unless agreed otherwise HortResearch does not give any prediction warranty or assurance in relation to the accuracy of or fitness for any particular use or application of any information or scientific or other result contained in this report. Neither HortResearch nor any of its employees shall be liable for any cost including legal costs claim liability loss damage injury or the like which may be suffered or incurred as a direct or indirect result of the reliance by any person on any information contained in this report. This report has been prepared by The Horticulture Food Research Institute of NZ Ltd HortResearch which has its Head Office at Mt Albert Research Centre Private Bag 92 169 Auckland. This report has been approved by Group Leader Bioprotection Date 15 November 2008 Date 15 November 2008 Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development 1 Australian Government AusAID Project Progress Report 0029 07 VIE Extending export opportunities to small-plot dragon fruit growers through Good Agricultural Practices FIRST SIX-MONTHLY REPORT Milestone 3 Date October .