tailieunhanh - Reproductive Factors and Breast Cancer Risk. Effect of Age at Diagnosis

At the lower end of the uterus is the cervix, a narrow opening. It is through the cervix that the sperm traveled on their way to the egg cell. Connecting the cervix to the outside of the body is the vagina. The vagina is made up of muscular tissue. It is into the vagina that sperm are ejaculated from the penis. Also, the vagina is the birth canal, through which the infant passes as it leaves the mother’s body during childbirth. Unlike in males, the reproductive pathway in females is not combined with the pathway for excretion. The urethra, through which urine passes from the urinary bladder, ends. | HAL author manuscript Annals of Epidemiology 1995 5 4 315-20 Reproductive Factors and Breast Cancer Risk. Effect of Age at Diagnosis HAL author manuscript inserm-00176879 version 1 Pranẹoise Clavel-Chapelon1 PhD Guy Launoy3 Md Ariane Auqueier1 2 ScM Beatrice Gairard4 PhD Alain Brémond5 MD Lucien Piana6 MD Jacques Lansac7 MD and Robert Renaud4 MD 1INSERM U351 Institut Gustave-Roussy Villejuif. 2Département de Biosatistique et dEpidémiologie Institut Gustave-Roussy Villejuif. 3Regime des rumeurs digestives Faculté de Médecine CHU Côte de Nacre Caen. 4Clinique Gynécologique et Obstétricale Hospices Civils Strasbourg. 5Clinicque Gynécologique Hôpital Edouard-Herriot Lyon. 6Service de Gynécologie et d obstétrique Institut Paoli-Calmettes Marseille. 7Clinique Gynécologique Obstétricale Hôpital Bretonneau Tours. Abstract The data from a French case-control study of 495 patients with breast cancer and 542 control subject interviewed in five French public hospitals were analyzed to assess the effect of reproductive factors age at menarche age at first full-term pregnancy the time interval between these two ages and parity on the risk of breast cancer. Age at menarche age at first full-term pregnancy the time interwal between these two ages and parity appeared to have a limited influence on breast cancer risk. However the relationship between these factors and the risk of breast cancer varied according to the age at breast cancer diagnosis. In the youngest group of women the most consistent effects came from factors occurring early in life menarche first full-term pregnancy and consequently the time interval between these two events . These factors had a null or weak effect on the oldest group of women. The protective effect of high parity was confined to the oldest group of women. Key words Breast cancer epidemiology case-control study risk factors age at diagnosis reproductive life. Introduction Numerous epidemiologic studies have focused on the relationship between .