tailieunhanh - Tetrad Shawl by Lara Neel

Yarn: Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in Terra Verte, 3 skeins Needles: #6 Gauge: 18 stitches equals inches, in the first main stitch pattern, after blocking. “Tetrad” is a term that, loosely, means, “four.” It pops up in Physics, geometry, music, chromosomes and a few other areas. My twin sister visited me a little while ago to celebrate our birthday. We visited a yarn shop and I asked her to choose a yarn she would like for a new shawl. Her “old” shawl was the first lace-patterned shawl I ever made, Icarus. Her Icarus is holding up well, but I think it’s. | Tetrad Shawl by Lara Neel Yarn Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in Terra Verte 3 skeins Needles 6 Gauge 18 stitches equals inches in the first main stitch pattern after blocking. Tetrad is a term that loosely means four. It pops up in Physics geometry music chromosomes and a few other areas. My twin sister visited me a little while ago to celebrate our birthday. We visited a yarn shop and I asked her to choose a yarn she would like for a new shawl. Her old shawl was the first lace-patterned shawl I ever made Icarus. Her Icarus is holding up well but I think it s time for something new. Lisa chose the yarn the stitch pattern Little Exuviae which I used in these socks and the general shape square . So I cast on. Tm very happy with the results and I hope she likes it too. The charts are a bit strange since the stitch pattern didn t really line up with the rate of increase but I think I ve made it fairly elegant. They are all designed to fit on standard lettersized paper. All of the motifs in the shawl are mirror-imaged which fits since we are mirror-image twins. Want More Math4Knitters Crafty Living can be found just about anywhere craftyliving Email craftyliving@ Facebook jgcraftyliving Twitter JGCraftyLiving Ravelry Math4Knitters and Math4Knitters Group iTunes Math4Knitters Journal Gazette 2012 Lara Neel and All Rights Reserved. Tetrad Shawl Key knit Section 2 and all of the following sections will only represent one of the four segments of the shawl which are divided by the stitch markers. The first stitch on the needle is always slipped. That very first stitch on right-side rows is not on the chart. - purl o yarnover ssk k2t place a marker place a marker place a marker Start by casting on 3 stitches. For the second and all even-numbered rows purl all .

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