tailieunhanh - Backing Up Your Data

Many people don't think about backing up their data until something happens and they need to restore it. Don't be one of them | Team LiB Backing Up Your Data Many people don t think about backing up their data until something happens and they need to restore it. Don t be one of them Back up your PST regularly as often as once a day or once a week. People who back up Outlook typically use Import and Export to back up their Outlook data or move it to a new computer. That s the wrong way to do it. Import and Export imports and exports only Outlook items it doesn t touch custom forms views or other hidden items in the folders. When you want to back up your data or move it to a new computer find the PST and copy it. Unless you moved your PST to a new location Outlook stores the PST at C Documents and Settings username Local Settings Application Data Microsoft Outlook. Close Outlook find the file and make a copy. To make it easier to back up your PST move it to your My Documents folder. Close Outlook find the PST and move it. Reopen Outlook and when it complains about the missing PST browse for the PST in the new location. There s little reason to back up your HTTP and IMAP PSTs because they contain copies of the messages still on your server. You need to edit the Registry to move them but because Outlook often re-creates new PSTs in the default location it s not recommended. The Outlook folder under Local Settings contains Offline address book files if you use an Exchange Server account and . Neither of these files needs to be backed up. Because contains information about installed add-ins using it on other machines could cause errors if the add-in isn t installed. If the Outlook folder isn t visible enable Show Hidden Files and Folders using Windows Explorer s Tools Folder Options View. When using Windows Search always use the Advanced option to Search All Hidden Files and Folders. The other Application Data folder in your Windows user profile C Documents and Settings username Application Data Microsoft Outlook contains the remainder of the Outlook data you might want to .