tailieunhanh - Dự án nông nghiệp " Milestone 9A Competency Assessment - Monitoring & Evaluation "

Huyện Nghĩa Đàn là huyện rất lớn và một phần của khu vực dự án có rất ít kỹ thuật hỗ trợ cho chăn nuôi. Chi huyện mới được thành lập sẽ bao gồm các dự án trang web, tuy nhiên, điều này sẽ có ít ảnh hưởng lên phần mở rộng cho một số năm. Một điểm yếu của dự án là thiếu kỹ thuật viên (giảng viên) để mở rộng dự án công nghệ trên toàn huyện. Việc sử dụng của nông dân chủ chốt, các trang web trình diễn và nông dân kỹ thuật viên đã có hiệu quả, nhưng liên lạc. | Australian Government AusAlD Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development 010 06 VIE Training and Extension Milestone 9A Competency Assessment - Monitoring Evaluation March 2010 Abbreviations ADG AI BCFRC Co Demo DM FA FFS Average Daily Growth Rate Artificial Insemination Bavi Cattle Forage Research Centre Company Demonstration Dry Matter Farmer Association Farmer Field School g Ha Kg KjME Ltd LWT ME PA ToT W S WM Yr Gram Hectare Kilogram Kilojoules of Metabolisable Energy Limited Live weight Metabolisable energy Per Year Trainers of Trainers Workshops Wet Matter Year 2 Milestone 9 - Objectives 2 3 Competency Assessment Monitoring Evaluation Overview The Nghia Dan District is a very large district and part of the project area has little technical support for animal husbandry. A new sub-district is being formed that will include the project site however this will have little effect on extension for a number of years. One weakness of the project is the lack of technicians trainers to extend the project technologies around the district. The use of key farmers demonstration sites and farmer technicians has been effective but their contact is limited to nearby farmers or relatives in nearby villages. The concept of Farmer Field Schools FFS and farmer discussion groups should be promoted in the district. Of the nine key farmers three have been excellent at taking up the technologies and embracing change and the challenges four have been slower to adopt the technologies one has not been active and another has withdrawn due to ill health. The 19th May Company has lacked the structure or skill base to be able to develop a model farm. This is disappointing as it was hoped that the 19th May Company would have provided the district with a larger scale model as well as a supply of genetic material in the future. The Company was developing some animal husbandry skills and had developed a 34 cow dairy herd with 16 milking cows but in 2010 handed its dairy development to the HT Dairy