tailieunhanh - Identification of serum proteomic biomarkers for early porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) infection

More recently, Cox and Fisher (2009) analyzed the titles of contemporary romance novels to determine if their popularity might be related to evolutionary themes that would be expected to have widespread appeal when it comes to some of the unique and recurrent reproductive issues that women confront. The five most common words featured in romance novel titles were love, bride, baby, man, and marriage, in that order. Common themes extracted from these titles included commitment, reproduction, masculine/high ranking suitors, and resources. Because the costs of reproduction are so much higher for women than men, because women have a strong vested. | Genini et al. Proteome Science 2012 10 48 http content 10 1 48 PROTEOME itd SCIENCE RESEARCH Open Access Identification of serum proteomic biomarkers for early porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome PRRS infection Corm rZonini 1 5Thom2C Putomnctor2 6 Ạ IQccici f mct ci3 Rr il l i 1 X ifiT ii ir i I I lini4 Amriro r r li Oi 1 Jtm Genini inumdb rdteinostei Alessid Costd Sdid Botti Mdiio Vittoiio Lunn Andied Cdpieid dnu Elisdbettd Giuffid1 7 Abstract Background Porcine reproductive dnd respirdtory syndrome PRRS is one of the most significdnt swine disedses woildwide. Despite its ielevdnce seium biomdikeis dssocidted with edily-onset viral infection when clinicdl signs die not detectdble dnd the disedse is chdidcteiized by d wedk dnti-viidl response dnd peisistent infection hdve not yet been identified. Suifdce-enhdnced ldsei desoiption ionizdtion time of flight mdss spectiometiy SELDI-TOF MS is d reproducible dccuidte dnd simple method for the identificdtion of biomdikei proteins ieldted to disedse in seium. This woik desciibes the SELDI-TOF MS dndlyses of seid of 60 PRRSV-positive dnd 60 PRRSV-negdtive ds medsuied by PCR dsymptomdtic Ldige White piglets dt wedning. Seid with compdidble dnd low content of hemoglobin pg mL weie fidctiondted in 6 different fractions by dnion-exchdnge chiomdtogidphy dnd piotein profiles in the mdss range 1-200 kDd weie obtdined with the CM10 IMAC30 dnd H50 suifdces. Results A totdl of 200 significdnt pedks p weie identified in the initidl discoveiy phdse of the study dnd 47 of them weie confiimed in the vdliddtion phdse. The mdjoiity of pedks 42 weie up-ieguldted in PRRSV-positive piglets while 5 weie down-ieguldted. A pdnel of 14 disciimindtoiy pedks identified in fraction 1 pH 9 on the suifdce CM10 dnd dcquiied dt low focus mdss provided d seium piotein profile didgnostic pdttein thdt endbled to disciimindte between PRRSV-positive dnd -negdtive piglets with d sensitivity dnd specificity of 77 dnd 73