Sản phẩm độc hại tự nhiên 19,1 GIỚI THIỆU sản phẩm tự nhiên độc hại đều là thuốc độc được sản xuất bởi các sinh vật. Họ bao gồm một loạt rất lớn của vật liệu, bao gồm cả động vật nọc độc và các chất độc, độc tố vi khuẩn, độc tố protozoal, độc tố của tảo, độc tố nấm mốc (từ nấm), và nhà máy Những chất này có thể ảnh hưởng đến một số cơ quan và các mô ở người, bao gồm cả da , tim, gan, thận, hệ thống thần kinh, hệ miễn dịch, và. | Chapter 19 Toxic Natural Products introduction Toxic natural products are poisons produced by organisms. They include an enormous variety of materials including animal venoms and poisons bacterial toxins protozoal toxins algal toxins mycotoxins from fungi and plant These substances may affect a number of organs and tissues in humans including the skin heart liver kidney neurological system immune system and gastrointestinal system. Some such substances may be hypnotic or psychotropic others are carcinogenic. Perhaps the most acutely toxic substance known is the botulism toxin produced by the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum and responsible for many food poisoning deaths especially from improperly canned food. Mycotoxins generated by fungi molds can cause a number of human maladies and some of these materials such as the aflatoxins are carcinogenic to some animals. Venoms from wasps spiders scorpions and reptiles consisting of an exotic variety of biomolecules including low-molecular-mass polypeptides proteins enzymes steroids lipids 5-HT and glycosides can be fatal to humans. Each year in the Orient tetrodotoxin from improperly prepared puffer fish makes this dish the last delicacy consumed by some unfortunate diners. The stories of Socrates execution from being forced to drink an extract of the deadly poisonous spotted hemlock plant and Cleopatra s suicide at the fangs of a venomous asp are rooted in antiquity. Many household poisonings result from children ingesting toxic plant leaves or berries. High on this list is philodendron. Other plants that may be involved in poisonings include diefenbachia jade plant wandering Jew Swedish ivy pokeweed string of pearls and yew. Pollen from plants causes widespread misery from allergies and reactions to toxins from plants such as poison ivy can be severe. Living organisms wage chemical warfare against their potential predators and prey with a fascinating variety of chemical substances. Some organisms
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