tailieunhanh - Building grammar skills for toefl ibt_7

Tham khảo tài liệu 'building grammar skills for toefl ibt_7', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Building Grammar Skills Grammar point 39 - Classification 1 -Types of Nouns Nouns have been divided into 4 categories Proper Common Abstract Group The most common categories arc Proper and Common 1. Proper nouns Proper nouns are Names. They describe things that are unique and special. There is only one of them. Toronto Frank and Egypt are examples of proper nouns. Things to remember about proper nouns They are always capitalized. It is incorrect to say egypt tony or king tut. All adjective clauses that describe proper nouns are considered non-defining and must therefore be between commas . Nubians the people who lived to the south of Egypt tried to invade Egypt many times. Anienemopet the It our-wafeher priest was in charge of making sure that temple rituals were performed on time. They never take articles a or the Ancient Egypt is fascinating for many people. not The Ancient Egypt is fascinating for many people. Copyrighted material Building Grammar Skills Exercise In the following passage fix any mistakes you may find about proper nouns. The smells of ancient Egypt egyptian cities like all cities even today were smelly places. The smoke of cooking fires sometimes stoked with dried animal dung hung over the houses. Body odor obnoxious to many modern westerners was a fact of life in the hot climate. These kinds of bad smells may have pained the ancient the Egyptians less than they do US. Still they liked nice flowery and aromatic scents and became masters at producing them. The ingredients were both homegrown and imported. The punt a region in the vicinity of the Hom of the africa was the source of aromatic woods incense and myrrh. Myrrh is a resin produced from shrubs native to southern the arabia and eastern the africa. Attempts were made to grow frankincense trees a Boswcllia Sacra locally. They didn t seem to have been a great success. The frankincense itself is a fragrant gum resin harvested from the tree. 2. Common Nouns Most nouns in English are