Lưu thông nhân tạo, cũng được gọi là destratification, và hypolimnetic khí / oxy hóa (Chương 18) là hai kỹ thuật chung hồ nạp ga. Lưu thông đã đạt được bởi máy bơm, máy bay phản lực, và không khí khuếch tán. Lưu thông hoàn chỉnh hồ là thường khách quan, và trong đa số trường hợp kiểm tra phân tầng hoặc đã được ngăn chặn, destratification xảy ra. Không giống như sục khí hypolimnetic / oxy hóa, nhiệt độ của toàn bộ hồ được nâng lên với lưu thông hoàn toàn, sự gia tăng lớn nhất trong nhiệt độ. | Artificial Circulation INTRODUCTION Artificial circulation also referred to as destratification and hypolimnetic aeration oxygenation Chapter 18 are two general techniques for aerating lakes. Circulation has been achieved by pumps jets and diffused air. Complete lake circulation is usually the objective and in the majority of cases examined either stratification was prevented or destratification occurred. Unlike hypolimnetic aer-ation oxygenation the temperature of the whole lake is raised with complete circulation the greatest increase in temperature occurs at depths that were previously part of the cooler hypolimnion. The principal improvements in water quality caused by complete circulation are oxygenation and chemical oxidation of substances in the entire water column Pastorak et al. 1981 1982 . Similar to hypolimnetic aeration its main benefit is enlarging the suitable habitat for aerobic animals. Complete circulation may reduce internal loading of P if the principal P-release mechanism was due to iron reduction in anoxic profundal sediments Chapter 18 . Complete circulation may also reduce algal biomass by increasing the mixed depth thereby reducing available light and by subjecting mixed algal cells to rapid changes in hydrostatic pressure Lorenzen and Mitchell 1975 Fast 1979 Forsberg and Shapiro 1980 . Although reduced internal P loading and decreased phytoplankton biomass may be reasonable expectations other factors such as nutrient availability in the photic zone may be more important to P availability and actually be enhanced with circulation. In some instances phytoplankton biomass and P content either did not change or were increased following circulation. Artificial circulation has been employed as a management technique since at least the early 1950s Hooper et al. 1953 . Initially it was used to prevent winter fish kills in shallow ice-covered lakes Halsey 1968 . Although not discussed here refinements to winterkill prevention were proposed .
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