Kỹ thuật rút hypolimnetic liên quan đến việc thay đổi độ sâu nước rời khỏi hồ nước từ bề mặt đến gần độ sâu tối đa, do đó chất dinh dưỡng phong phú, chất dinh dưỡng thấp hơn so với mặt nước được thải ra. Thật trùng hợp, thời gian hypolimnion giam giữ được rút ngắn lại, cơ hội cho các điều kiện yếm khí phát triển là giảm và sự sẵn có của các chất dinh dưỡng để epilimnion, thông qua cuốn theo và phổ biến, là giảm. Kỹ thuật này được thực hiện bằng cách cài đặt một. | 7 Hypolimnetic Withdrawal INTRODUCTION The hypolimnetic withdrawal technique involves changing the depth at which water leaves the lake from the surface to near the maximum depth so that nutrient-rich rather than low-nutrient surface water is discharged. Coincidentally the hypolimnion detention time is shortened the chance for anaerobic conditions to develop is decreased and the availability of nutrients to the epilimnion through entrainment and diffusion is reduced. The technique is accomplished by installing a pipe along the lake bottom from near the deepest point to the outlet and possibly beyond. The outlet pipe is usually situated below lake level so the device acts as a siphon. It was named an Olszewski tube after its original user Olszewski 1961 but the technique itself is more commonly referred to as hypolimnetic withdrawal. This technique is applicable to stratified lakes and small reservoirs in which anaerobic hypolimnia restrict the habitat for fish and promote the release of P toxic metals ammonia and hydrogen sulfide from sediments. There are two important requirements for treatment success 1 the lake level must remain relatively constant and 2 thermal stability should not change. While stratification may be weakened because epilimnetic water tends to be drawn downward destratification will not occur provided the removal rate of hypolimnetic water is relatively slow. Destratification should be avoided because it increases the transport of hypolimnetic nutrients and anoxic water to the epilimnion. Polymictic lakes may not be good prospects for withdrawal. To lessen the chances of destratification directing inlet water to the metalimnion or hypolimnion may be possible. This modification was installed in Lake Ballinger near Seattle Figure . While the lake remained stratified with the inflow water directed to depth the system was not tested without directed flow for comparison. Destratification has not generally been a problem with the technique. .
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